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Virgo worst compatibility with these 3 zodiac signs

Here are 3 zodiac signs which share worst compatibility with Virgos

Riba Jawaid

Virgo worst compatibility with these 3 zodiac signs

Here are 3 zodiac signs which share worst compatibility with Virgos

Virgo worst compatibility with these 3 zodiac signs
Virgo worst compatibility with these 3 zodiac signs

Virgo  is the sixth zodiac sign in the world of astrology,   being an earth sign Virgo natives   are loyal, down-to-earth, creative genius, organized and intellectual.

They possess a depth in their personality and exude confidence and conviction, they might not  appear as passionate but work hard in silence to achieve their goals.

Virgo people are detail oriented, wise and  very well-versed, they believe in   mental stimulation and strong communication, hence look for an understanding partner.

These 3 signs have worst compatibility with Virgo:

Leo and Virgo compatibility:

The earth sign Virgo doesn't get along with fire signs, as they both fire and earth sign posses opposite traits.

Leo, as a leader of fire signs trio is competitive, spontaneous, and creative soul with constant urge of stimulation, a trait totally opposite of  a Virgo, who is steady and persistent and can become easily exhausted by the fire sign's never ending need for excitement.

Leo and Virgo are not a good match at all, as Leo prefer to stay in the spotlight and non-stop attention.

Whereas, Virgos like to keep a low profile an d stay grounded. Meanwhile Leos are freedom freaks who can feel a bit controlled with a Virgo native, who tend to micromanage the people in their lives.

In terms of both love and friendship,  Virgos and Aquarius is not a best pairing.

Aquarius and Virgo compatibility:

Aquarius and Virgo are not a conventional match, as both sign are like two opposite poles.

Virgo as an earth sign is grounded, practical, down-to-earth and realistic the air sign Aquarius is always daydreaming about their plans for the future and possess very  high-minded ideals in hope to change them into a reality.

Both Virgo and Aquarius have a hard time understanding and fulfilling each other's needs, as Aquarians often come off as detached or cold in their pursuit of making change, this results in distancing a Virgo the wrong way. 

In addition to this calm and collected Virgos also find Aquarians overly fussy and scattered.

The duo might be able to create a good friendship but they are not likely to have a successful bonding as the romantic partners.

Gemini and Virgo compatibility:

Gemini and Virgo are not a very ideal match, as both signs look at life quite differently.

Virgo is humble, grounded and loyal while a Gemini come off as someone who is considered a blabber mouth who loves to brag about themselves all the time.

This very traits of a Gemini drives a Virgo away from them. In addition this, the flirt nature of a Gemini is also does not sit well with  the Virgo, who is mostly very exclusive about their relationship and social circle.

Virgo as an earth sign believes in core values, while a Gemini being extremely uninhibited and open-minded sometimes ignore the values and become rebellious.

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